Sunday, March 19, 2006

Another Day, Another Dollar. For being late to work.

Well, I spent most of my day today working, which I was almost an hour late for. The reason for that starts last night.

I was at home on my laptop talking to my friend Carol at 10:30 when she invited me to go shoot pool at the Triangle Bowl, which is competition with the bowling alley I work at, The Hilander. So, I decided to go with them, not realizing untill we arrived that I was still wearing my work shirt, that had a THE HILANDER blazened across the back of it. This is not so good, since the owner of the Triangle was fired from the Hilander when the owner of the Hilander found out that he bought it. Anywho, I was walking around the bowling alley talking to some people I know, when the owner of the Triangle started over the loudspeaker, "Hey Hilander Boy! You're in the wrong building!" All I could do is turn around and wave at him and say Hi, cause I used to work with him. I walked over to him later and told him I would trade the shirt I was wearing for one of the triangle shirts they had for sale, he denied it and told me he would rather burn the shirt.

So, we shot pool for a while and I recieved a sever beating. I flirted with the snackbar attendant for a while and talked to some other teenagers there till about 12:20. We left the triangle and went drove around for a while to find a house that there was supposedly a party at. I had the number of the person so we called them and went to the house. We went downstairs to find a friend of mine laying in bed with a girl that's in my 6th period. That meant that my friend had just lost his V-card! YAY FOR HIM! Well, all of us sat around for a while till one of my friends got mad at me for talking about being high, and said that I shouldn't talk about being high unless I was going to get them high, so I did. I ended up staying there just listening to music untill 4 am, when I decided to walk home. I actually just live around the corner from the house, so it was alright. I woke up at 10:00 am, which is when I wanted to wake up, but I fell back to sleep. I ended up waking at 11:30, a half hour after I was supposed to be there, when my brother in law came into my room and asked if I worked today. I told him I did and he then informed me that my work had called... and that I was late. That was my second time this month that I was late, and my boss made sure to inform me of that. I got a verbal warning, and a joke from my manager. Overall, a good time.


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