Thursday, May 18, 2006

Senior Presentation

Today was my senior presentation. I'm not one to normally brag, but I looked good. REAL good. I bought a lavender shirt and a deep purple tie to go with my all black blazer and pants. It was pretty much the coolest suit I've ever seen, and it was on me.

All my life, I've grown up thinking that the Senior Project is supposed to be the hardest thing you do your entire career as a student in the public school system. I was wrong. My brothers and sister lied to me, probably just to get thier laughes. Well, it was possibly the easiest thing that I've ever done in my life. I had to do a bit of paperworks, a few different papers to write... I did them all in under an hour. I had to have 20 hours of community service... I had well over 50 and am still counting.

The presentation itself was a lot of fun. I just had to throw some pictures into a powerpoint and ramble about them for 10 minutes. I had to talk for a minimum of 10 minutes about the Special Olympics... without offending anyone. That was a feat in itself. I somehow managed to finish without saying the word Tard! We were required to give the audience (mine was 4 evaluators) biographical letters before the presentation and thank you notes afterward. I gave them the bio-letters and gave them my speech. I went well over 10 minutes just talking myself, and then they started with the questions. Overall, I went about 15 minutes, and got perfect scores across the board... except for one evaluator. This is where the thank you notes came into play!

Most people I saw had gotten onto ms word, thrown some word art onto a page saying thank you, signed it, and gave it as perfect. I decided to take it to the next level. I went to the store, bought them cards, wrote in them, and signed them myself. I thought they would appreciate this since they normally only get pieces of white printer paper. I got them "Happy Birthday, Congratulations on the Baby, and Get Well Soon" cards. Unfortunately, the one teacher doesn't have a sense of humor, so she marked my score down... a lot. Instead of all perfects, from her only, I got intermediate and poor. Perftec! Perfect! Perfect! Poor!? Bitch. I can see why she might be offended by it though. The card had a picture of a monkey and said, "I miss Monkeying Around With You! Get Well Soon!" and I wrote below it, "Thank you for viewing my presentation! Casey." The bitch went as far as going to the career center to complain about the cards. My 4th period is in the career center. Molly came up to me, "I didn't know that you were going to give Get Well Soon cards to them! I think it's funny! But one of your evaluators didn't!" The lady was outright pissed, a quote told to me, "This is serious! the senior project is not something that can just be blown off as some kind of joke!" IT IS A JOKE! THE CARDS WERE A JOKE! THE ENTIRE PROJECT IS A JOKE!

I was told that I should probably go and appologize to the teacher... fuck that, she took away from my score because I gave her a fucking get well soon card. She should appologize to me for being such a presumptuous whore and thinking that I didn't put any effort into the project. I did put effort into the project! just not very much. For all I care, she can choke on a fucking chicken bone. I hope she rots in hell. I'm going to skip her hand when I'm walking down the line of teachers for graduation. I told some friends of mine what she did and none of them were surprised.

Anyway, I love the fact that she was offended by a get well soon card. What do I care? I looked damn good. I'm going to have to find a picture and post it on here. I don't think I've ever looked better in all honesty. It was incredible. I even went longboarding in the suit. It was pretty funny to see. A man dressed up in a full 3 piece suit, riding a longboard down the sidewalk. Good day.


Blogger Galen said...

Cut her brakes and tell everyone you were the first to give her a get well card.

6:01 PM  

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